791 766 093
Professional bedding for horses

For production of litter for horses is selected special straw which is clean, dry and without chemical additives. It is collected from local farms. In the process of production the straw is reduced in size ,subjected to extrusion under high pressure which results in absorbing capacity many times higher than in traditional straw or alternative bedding as well as the litter is free of bacteria and pathogens causing various fungal diseases.

Advantages of bedding usage:
- is quick and easy to use,
- maintenance of cleanliness in horseboxes is much easier,
- is environmentally friendly and in addition easily biodegradable,
- granulated product creates soft, hygienic and antiallergy bedding,
- absorbs to 370% of liquid with relation to its own weight in comparison to lose straw or alternative bedding (sawdust) owing to this we cover boxes less frequently,
- strong absorbency enables binding of urine particles, thanks to which there is less irritant ammonia and unpleasant smell in the air,
- hoofs are less exposed to contact with humidity in excess what has positive effect on a quality of horn and facilitates care of horses predisposed to infections of frog or horsehide of lower limbs (e.g. mud fever),
- a bed is stable and not smoking thanks to which is perfect for horses with respiratory problems e.g. RAO/COPD or suffering from allergy.
Instruction for use:
It is not recommended to wet a bedding because it reduces its natural properties of high absorbency.
- to a clean horsebox we put about 10-15 kg per 1m?,
- we spread granulate over the whole surface and evenly apply,
- everyday we remove the used litter and replenish if necessary.
Package available:
- 20 kg / bag
- 900 kg / bags at 20 kg or big-bag
- 1.000 kg / bags at 20 kg or big-bag
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Phone: +48 24 721 34-41
Mobile phone: +48 791-766-093
Address: Kopalniana 9, 99-100 czyca
Strona 2 z 2 |